Mochizuki Group
Seven Seas of Technology
About Us
Av. Siglo XXI #3801, Col. San Pedro C.P. 20280, Aguascalientes, México

About Us

The Seven Seas Technology, S.A. of C.V. It is a company of Japanese origin, which was established in the City of Aguascalientes in 2013, in order to provide quality service and customer service...


Programming and Integration of PCL, Electrical Installation of Machinery, Mechanical Installation of Machinery ...

¡We help you!

The Seven Seas of Technology

The Seven Seas Technology, S.A. of C.V. It is a company of Japanese origin, which was established in the City of Aguascalientes in 2013, with the purpose of providing a quality service and attention to our customers.

We have a wide range of services, of which the main ones are: Import of materials and spare parts from Japan and China, as well as the development of projects such as construction of clean rooms, installation of machinery, manufacture of Jigs. Work tables among others.